Group News | 2022.09.08 | 2676
Meet LandGlass at Glasstec 2022
Glasstec 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany, finally came as scheduled. LandGlass was also invited to participate in the exhibition to showcase the latest products, technologies and applications. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Meet LandGlass at Glasstec 2022

Date: September 20-23, 2022 

LandGlass Booth: Hall 12 A71 

Location: Dusseldorf , Germany  

Four years later, Glasstec 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany, finally came as scheduled. LandGlass was also invited to participate in the exhibition to showcase the latest products, technologies and applications. Looking forward to seeing you there.

LandGlass Intelligent glass tempering machine, smart factory, and LandVac tempered vacuum insulated glass, will show you the latest technologies of LandGlass in the past four years.

More amazing moments please visit our Online Exhibition Showrooms LandGlass Online Exhibition Showroom.