Group News | 2021.05.21 | 1345
LandGlass at China Glass 2021
​On May 9, 2021, the 31st China International Glass Industry Technical Exhibition (“China Glass 2021”) was successfully concluded at the Shanghai New International Expo Center.

On May 9, 2021, the 31st China International Glass Industry Technical Exhibition (“China Glass 2021”) was successfully concluded at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. At the exhibition, LandGlass presented its intelligent glass tempering furnaces, smart glass processing factory, and systematic solution for tempered vacuum insulated glass under the theme of “Empower Smart Manufacturing and Improve Quality of Life.”


In the field of intelligent manufacturing, the fire-resistant glass tempering machine, IriClearTM glass tempering furnace series, as well as tailored Bent Glass developed by LandGlass attracted a large number of visitors from the glass processing industry for the exchange of information and consultation. In particular, the 10mm six-pane tempered laminated glass with IriClearTM Tempering Solution revealed a perfect image under polarizer and amazed many customers. In the meantime, the introduction of LandGlass TIGERTM  Smart Factory and the data comparison of efficiency improvement indicates that lean manufacturing in the field of glass processing has now reached a new level.


In the field of vacuum insulated glass, LandGlass exhibited a wide range of vacuum insulated glass products and applications including the 8.3mm thick vacuum insulated glass with the U-value as low as 0.4W/(㎡·K), the hybrid vacuum insulated glass door for high-end freezers, and the bridge-cut aluminum alloy fenestration products built with vacuum insulated glass that offers a thermal transmittance of less than 1.1 W/(㎡·K) for the entire window. At present, LandVac has found a wide range of applications in many fields such as building energy-saving, smart home appliances, vehicles, defense, and the military. While helping users to improve the quality of life, it makes a great contribution in an effort to achieve the "Peak Emissions by 2030 and Carbon Neutrality by 2060” goal and sustainable development.


In the context of the sustained stabilization of the pandemic in China and the gradual recovery of the global economy, the event brought additional opportunities for communication and information exchanges among the enterprises in the glass industry, revitalizing the glass industry in a "dual circulation" development pattern. LandGlass will continue to lead the industry innovations to promote efficient intelligent manufacturing and green quality of life, devoting its efforts to achieve the "Made in China 2025” and "Peak Emissions by 2030 and Carbon Neutrality by 2060.”


Video: LandGlass at China Glass 2021
